While exploring key topics for businesses to keep an eye on, the article “Can You Believe We’re Still Talking About Check Fraud in 2024?” caught our attention. It serves as a timely reminder that fraud remains a persistent challenge, even in today’s digital age. One standout takeaway is the practical feature offered by INTERAC, which […]
Prevent Check Fraud with Positive Pay!
If you have experienced check fraud, you will appreciate the value of positive pay account reconcilement. You don’t need be one of the victims of check fraud which impacts corporate America every year. Criminals too often accomplish their mission is by counterfeiting or changing valid checks that were written on corporate accounts. When checks are […]
Eliminate Check Fraud!
You only need to experience the problems caused by check fraud once to appreciate the value of utilizing positive pay account reconcilement with your bank. Every year millions of dollars are stolen or embezzled from corporate America. One way the criminals accomplish their mission is by counterfeiting or changing valid checks that were written on […]